Mindful Companion
A Personal Mental Health Consultant


Human’s nowadays easily tend to get depressed, think too much about someone’s saying, lot of mental health issues are popping up. This is a small step towards using the AI to democratize and help individuals who are too afraid to talk to doctor/stranger/therapist about thier issue, use AI at thier hand to help themselves.


1 . It is the first iteration, so basically it only has a text-to-text communication channel.

  1. It is heavily guardrailed to never suggest a medication/drug to any user.

  2. If it senses the condition is too worse to handle if provide ways to cope up, and then speak with a proper medical professional.

User Interface

click here

After entering the OpenAI key.

click here

Try it Here.


This small project’s aim was to get to know more on the health application of AI, and thier performance.

This project was a part of Mercor Hackathon.

Thanks for Reading.

Written by Kaushal Kumar Choudhary on 10 May 2024