Natural language query for SQL


Database plays a crucical part in any firm, be it finance, law, tech or event management. The data in today’s world is called the new oil. Managing and maintaining a SQL database with millions of data still stays in the hand of a technical guy, but querying it and gaining insights should be easy for anyone in the world.


1 . It is the first iteration, so basically it only has a text-to-text communication channel.

  1. It seemlessly converts the natural language query (even though you might have to know a little about the tables present in the data for better accuracy) into proper MS SQL commands to query the backend database.

  2. It automatically adjusts it’s commands according to the query.

User Interface

click here

Querying the database with a general questions (note that I know which table contains the relevant info)

click here


This small project’s was to build a chat-bot that can chat over the database providing a natural language query interface to the user.

This project was a part of a freelance gig at PearlThoughts.

Feel free to look up the open-source code at GitHub

Thanks for Reading.

Written by Kaushal Kumar Choudhary on 10 May 2024